Part 79

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"Oh, father, I am glad," cried the boy, joyously.

"Yes, persuaded," continued Colonel Forrester, in measured tones, "with sword and gun, not till they are utterly helpless. Then they may."

"Oh, father!"

"Yes, my boy; it is very sad, but they will not see that their case is desperate."

"Is the attack to be made to-day, father?"

"I am not the general in command, my boy. That is a matter for another to decide."

"Yes; but you know, father, and you can trust me."

"Of course I can, Fred, and I will. Yes; the attack is to be made directly."

"And will it succeed?"

"It must. It shall. No. I will not interfere," he added to himself a moment later.

"And you, father?" said Fred, anxiously.

"Well, my boy, what of me?"

"You--Oh, father. Must I speak out. Don't be angry with me. I have no right to say such things to you, but I always looked upon Scar Markham as a brother, and they always treated me at the Hall as if I was a son; and it does seem so terrible for you to be going up at the head of armed men to attack our dear old friends."

Colonel Forrester stood with his brow knit.

"You are angry with me, father; but I can't help speaking. I say it seems so terrible. You ought not to do this thing."

Fred's hesitation had gone. He had taken the plunge, and now he felt desperate, and ready to speak on to the end. He gazed full in the stern face with the lowering brows, but it checked him no longer. His words came fast, and he caught his father by the arm.

"If you speak to General Hedley, he will listen to you, for Sir G.o.dfrey is your oldest friend; and think, father, how horrible it would be if the Markhams were to be killed."

The brows appeared to be knit more closely, and Colonel Forrester's gaze seemed fierce enough to wither his son.

But Fred kept on, begging and importuning his father to do something to change the general's purpose, without obtaining any reply.

"Then you are going to lead the attack on the Hall, father?" said Fred at last.

The colonel turned upon him sharply.

"You must not, you shall not," cried Fred, excitedly. "Yes; I see you are angry with me; but--"

"No, my boy, not angry," said the colonel, gravely; "but very, very proud of you. No, my boy, I am not going to head the fight."

"Father!" cried Fred, joyously.

"And I have done more than beg General Hedley to excuse me from all partic.i.p.ation in to-day's work."

"Then it really will be to-day?"

"Yes, my boy, it really will be to-day, and I'd give anything for this day to be past, and the worst known."

"But they will give them quarter, father?"

"Yes, my boy, of course, but who can say what may happen in dealing with fierce, reckless men, fighting as they believe for their lives. Those with whom they are engaged may be willing to take them prisoners, but they will fight with terrible desperation, incited by Sir G.o.dfrey's example, and no one can say how the attack will end."

"Yes, father, I see," said Fred, sadly, "but could you not persuade General Hedley to give up the attack?"

Colonel Forrester was silent for a few moments, and then said sadly--


"Oh, father! think of Lady Markham and of little Lil."

"I have thought about them, my boy," said the colonel, speaking in a slow, measured voice, "and I have three times over begged of the general to spare the Hall and its defenders, and to let us go on at once."

"And what did he say?" cried Fred, eagerly.

"He asked me if it was the voice of duty speaking, or that of friendship, and what could I say?"

Fred looked at him piteously.

"How could I leave that nest of hornets to hara.s.s our rear, and gather a fresh and stronger force together, so as to be ready for the next detachment which comes along west. No, boy, I am obliged as an officer to agree with my superior that every man must be cleared out of that Hall before we can stir. Sir G.o.dfrey Markham has his fate in his own hands."

"What do you mean, father? Surrender?"

"Of course. He shall have due respect paid to him and his followers; but it is madness to expect it of him, even for their sake."

"For their sake, father?"

"Yes, my boy. There, I may as well tell you. I am not the stern, implacable enemy you think me. I wrote to Sir G.o.dfrey last night, asking him to surrender for his wife and daughter's sake."

"You did this, father?" cried Fred, eagerly.

"I did, my boy."

"And what did he say?"

"He sent a stern, insulting message, similar to his last, and those who were with him threatened to crop the next amba.s.sador's ears if he dared present himself at the Hall."

"Let me go and make another appeal to Sir G.o.dfrey."

"You heard the threat?" said Colonel Forrester, looking at his son curiously.

"Yes, I heard, father."

"And will you risk it, if I give you a message to take?"
