Part 63

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Meanwhile, Lady Markham was seated at the window, with Lil's hand clasped in hers, waiting, as it were, for that something which seemed as if it would happen. No great wonder, at a time when change succeeded change with marvellous rapidity. They had neither of them spoke for some time, till suddenly Lil pressed her mother's hand.

"What is it, dear?"


Lady Markham bent forward, and remained silent for some minutes before saying--

"I heard nothing, Lil."

"I thought I heard horses a long way off. Oh!"

She started violently, for there was a sharp, but faint tap on the panel of the door, as if some one had sharply loosened one finger-nail with the other.

Neither stirred for a few moments, and then the sharp cracking sound was repeated.

Lady Markham did not hesitate, but walked across to the door.

"Who is there?" she said in a low, firm voice.

There was a faint rustle, as of some one moving a hand over the door outside, and then from low down came a low--


It was from the keyhole without a doubt, and stooping, Lady Markham repeated her question, placing her ear close to the keyhole, as she listened for the answer.

That reply sent the blood thrilling through her veins, as it was whispered through the keyhole, and for the moment, she felt giddy with anguish, love, and fear.

It came again, with an addition.

"Mother! Open! Quick!"

With her hands trembling so that they almost refused their office, she turned the key, felt a strong grasp on the handle, the door was thrust open softly, closed, and locked, as she stood trembling there, and a pair of arms were clasped around her neck.

"Mother, dearest mother!"

"Scar, dear Scar, me too," whispered Lil, for Lady Markham was speechless with emotion.

Brother and sister were locked in a loving embrace, and then Lil shrank away.

"Scar," she whispered; "why you are all wet."

"Yes," he said, with a half-laugh. "I had to swim across part of the lake."

"Oh, my boy, my boy, how did you get here?" whispered Lady Markham.

"Oh, I found a way, mother dear."

"But your father? Oh! There is no bad news?"

"No, no; don't tremble so. He is quite well, and not many miles away."

"Thank Heaven!" she sighed; "but, Scar, my darling, you do not know."

"Oh yes, I do, dear," he said calmly; "the house is full of rebels, and they have their outposts everywhere. I have had a fine task to get here without being seen."

"And you must not stay a moment, my darling. You must escape before you are discovered."

"Hush! don't speak so loudly; we may be heard. There is no danger, if you keep still."

"But, Scar, my boy, why have you run this terrible risk?"

"Soldiers have to run risks, mother. My father, who is at Ditton, with a strong body of horse, was terribly anxious about home. A spy came in and said the rebels were in this direction, so I said I could make my way here and get news, and he trusted me to come. That's all."

"But if you are taken, Scar?"

"I don't mean to be taken, mother. I shall go back as I came. Rebel sentinels are clever, but some people can manage to elude them."

"Oh, my boy, my boy!"

"Don't--don't fidget, dear, like that. I tell you there is no risk.

But I must not stay long."

"Are you sure no one saw you come?"

"Quite certain. But I am sorry that I have such poor news to lake back.

But, mother dear, they have treated you with respect?"

"Oh yes, my boy. Fred Forrester's with them."

"Ah!" e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed Scarlett, angrily.

"And he has been most respectful and kind."

"For a traitor."

"Do not speak harshly of him, Scar."

"Not I; but have they sacked the place?"

"No, no. Nothing has been touched."

"I'm glad of that, for poor father's sake. He will be enraged when he knows they have taken possession here."

"But he is in no danger, Scar?"

"Not more than usual," said Scarlett, grimly.

"And when is he coming home?" said Lil, thoughtfully.
